Two Ways to Preserve the Performance of and Maintain your Diesel Generator
If you have recently invested in a diesel generator to work alongside your uninterruptible power supply (UPS), you have won half the battle of fully protecting your critical business systems. In order to conquer the other half, you must now enter a quest to ensure a high level of ongoing generator performance. If not, then you risk your generator components wearing out and failing, which could have severe knock-on effects for your power protection system. To give you peace of mind that this will not be the case, there are two types of measures you need to take:
1. Complete load bank tests each month
To check whether your generator is functioning as effectively as possible, we recommend conducting load bank tests for critical loads, on a monthly basis. Load bank tests mimic the conditions of a power failure by putting your generator system under a controlled resistive load. This makes it easy to measure the performance of your generator and highlight any potential problems. If any issues arise, they can then be resolved before you experience a shortage of power. Learn more about generator load bank testing.
2. Take out generator maintenance cover
This is important as if your generator becomes faulty then your UPS becomes the last line of defence between you and the potential collapse of your business operation. For confidence that your generator is working correctly and company assets are safe and secure, look no further than Adept Power Solution’s industry leading package of generator maintenance services. This includes access to 24/7 telephone support year-round and a variety of system checks. View our full list of generator maintenance services.
Generator service visits
If you decide to opt for our generator maintenance cover, not only will you receive a response to your query within four hours, but you will also be entitled to one minor and one major service visit each year. Both of these involve checking the lubricating, fuel, cooling, air intake, exhaust and engine electrical systems of your diesel generator. The major service visit also offers an extra set of extensive testing procedures such as checking alternator engine alignment and coupling.
Your next steps
Now you know the key to successful generator maintenance, waste no time in getting yours fully equipped with Adept Power Solutions. Speak to us today about our diesel generator maintenance cover.