20 Years

UPS Battery Temperature Logging

UPS Battery Temperature Logging

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A battery temperature monitor is used to monitor and record battery temperatures at regular intervals. The data generated is saved within the unit for interrogation and can be downloaded at a later date by the Service Engineer on subsequent visits.

Why Do We Need A Battery Temperature Monitor?

The recommended battery temperature for optimum life expectancy is 20°C. Higher temperatures will shorten battery life. The general rule is that you half the design life for every 10°C above the baseline of 20°C.

Having a record of the temperatures a battery system has been operating at allows a much more accurate estimate of life expectancy and on-going budgets. This allows service engineers to identify issues on service visits and in turn enables a user to maintain better system integrity.

Where Does It Go?

Our general recommendation would be to use a least 1 temperature monitor per battery string, the battery blocks chosen for the position of the monitor should be one that has a battery block either side of it.

If using less than the recommended amount of monitors, the monitor should be positioned on a battery block on the highest tier or shelf. This is easily fitted on new / replacement batteries by our Service Engineers whilst on their visit.

How Does It Connect?

Connect the monitor across 12v DC whether it is 12volt, 6volt or other varieties of voltage blocs, this is easily determined at the Service visit by our Engineer.

We also offer a wealth of other battery and UPS services to help pro-long the life of your existing power protection systems.